Looking back through all of my blog posts turned out to be a little bit interesting. As far as the writing itself goes, I feel like I always write in the same style or the same way. My blog posts, at least in my opinion, all read the same and I’m not sure if that […]
At the beginning of the semester, I was scared to take this course. I had no experience with any sort of software that we would be using. I had never even seen the interface that photoshop uses, much less used it myself. As I progressed through the course, I struggled quite a bit with some…Read more 3433 Reading Though My Posts
The end of the semester is here! There is only one project left from completing this course and that is our summary of learning. For our final project we were asked to describe a “Summary of Learning” based on what we learned throughout the course. We were asked to chose a medium for our project… Continue reading Summary of Learning
Writing a blog has been something new for me because I had never written or worked on one before this class. To be honest, I’m still not sure how I feel about it but I can say that it wasn’t/ isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I do believe that […]
I have grown to love this blog. I think it really shows my personality (kind of). There is a lot of things projects posted that kind of reflects my style. That being said, I plan on utilizing this blog to show my parents how I can design our Christmas card but that is about it. … Continue reading Reflection on the blog issue →
I plan on using Canva as my medium. I want to create an infographic attempting to explain why I thought this class was meaningful for my future. I will need to somehow conceptualize percentages and explain why I think they are important so it will be able to be talked about in the screencast. Some … Continue reading Summary of Learning Plan →
When I first read this assignment I thought it might be one of my worst nightmares, along with creating a newsletter :’). I absolutely cringe looking back at old Facebook statuses and pictures, so I was just bracing myself for some uncomfortable things I might have typed out. The early days The semester started out … Continue reading Casí Completo →
I use my domain for two of my classes this semester. In my other class, we were required to create an About me page for a grade. I do think it would be valuable if I added my contact information to my blog at the end of my about me page. I do not see […]
I’ve decided to make a movie trailer using iMovie as my medium for my summary of learning. I’m very familiar with this tool because I’ve when I was younger and it’s the one I feel most comfortable using. I will first need to write a script. Then I will assemble props and a cast. I will film on […]
I definitely grew as a public relations practitioner this semester. At the beginning of the semester, I was lost and confused. I had no idea what was going on and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to get through this class. While reading through my old blog posts I recalled all of […]