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After PR Pubs is over, I plan on using this domain as a portfolio. I want to showcase and highlight the work that I have done using InDesign and Photoshop that I take pride in. My intent is so that future employers can view my work and see that I am capable of design and understand it’s role as a PR professional. With that in mind, I would also delete most of my reflection posts because people wouldn’t know much of what I’m talking about. I would also like to create a better design for my domain. I would like it to be easy to navigate while looking fresh and bold. My work from PR Pubs would be displayed still in a blog form so it is easy to go from one post to the next. Adding an About Me page would be my next step so that future employers can see my personality and if I would be a good fit. I think it’s important to write something about yourself to go along with your work so that you’re not judged solely on one thing. I would also like to use this domain blogging about my internship experience because I think it would be beneficial for others who are interested in learning about the experience. Once I have updated my domains content, design and additional pages, I plan on regularly updating it with samples of my other PR work, such as writing materials.