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To start off, I apologize for the blinding neon pink — when I uploaded my Summary of Learning jpgs the color distorted. In reality, the color is a subdued peach.

My Summary of Learning direct mailer is inspired by propaganda influenced visuals (graphics and graffiti). The visual I chose is from one of my favorite artists Barry McGee, a San Francisco-based artist who specializes in this style of art. An underlying message in propaganda is to assemble and recruit for a movement, institution or idea. I thought what better way to recruit future pr pubs students than with a direct mailer influenced by propaganda design?

I’ve had tons of fun designing in this class. The structure worked really well with my schedule, and I enjoyed that I was able to work on my own time (it’s my last semester so it’s been hectic). The blogging took time to get used to because I hadn’t done that before. I had to overcome the initial fear that anyone could see what I was posting, but it was beneficial for me to write out my plans and reflections for each project instead of storing it all in my brain. Overall, the most growth I made was when I was designing projects for an audience I wasn’t used to designing for in a format I was wasn’t used to designing. In this class we were encouraged to really think and understand who would be consuming our designs, and that is something I think will transfer over to my post-grad life.

It’s been a fun ride in pr pubs. And best of all, I now have a few more skills to add to my skill set.