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And the adventure continues, on to the next adobe suite application to master (by master I mean attempt to act like I understand what is going on for a few weeks and then move on) is photo shop. Now, most social media users these days use photo shop to make themselves look better, but you don’t have to worry about that with me because I can barely learn the basics.

Leader Animated GIF- found here

Instead of an in class speech on how the ins and outs of photoshop work, we used to teach us the basics and then we will go from there. That part was pretty easy and I felt like I was catching on until the versions were different and some tools were located in different places and that is when I got all thrown off. No worries, some genius classmate asked the teacher about these differences and he fixed things. Some people are just so smart, it amazes me. Next week we start a two direct mailers using photo shop. Wish me luck


Idea Animated GIF- found here

Well that is it for this week, have a great weekend everyone!