Posted by & filed under Adobe Premiere Pro, camera, Gaylord, JMC 3433, OU, public relations, publishing, university of oklahoma, video.

I hate to disappoint you, but I do not have any complaints or hardships from this week of class in Public Relations Publishing. Why might you ask? Because I did not have to even open Adobe Premiere Pro once this week (can I get a hallelujah).

Instead, this week I learned how to operate a camera from the cage in Gaylord in order to conduct my interview for our video project.

All I have to say is thank goodness my partner for this project knows how to operate everything on a camera or this blog post would probably not be as positive. I was not blessed in being knowledgeable about anything technological if you have not noticed by now. I am only experienced in good ole iPhone photography/videography.

Today we got to dive right in and film our interviews and shoot some B-roll (I love that word, it makes me sound like I actually know what I am doing).

I am a little camera shy, so it was a little awkward for me to be in front of the camera today (very ironic since I used to be a broadcast journalism major). On the other hand, I had so much fun interviewing my partner. It is always a great experience to learn a little more about your colleagues because that does not always happen when you sit in the same spot and talk to the same group of people in your classes every day.

Get ready for next week’s blog post because you will finally get to see the finished video project and probably hear me complain a lot about how hard Adobe Premiere Pro is if we are being honest.