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Alas, the time has come to bid adieu to sweet Stella Mae, graphic designer extraordinaire. I have truly enjoyed my time spent with all you kittens as I documented my journey through the magical, ever-changing world of graphic design.

My final project was an infographic outlining important lessons learned that I learned in PR Publications over the past semester. I went back through my notes from the very beginning of the semester to the end and chose the information that I found most useful. The points I included were the design values, important notes on typography, the four basic principles of design, and the color theory. I tried to make it as colorful and visually appealing as possible, and I enjoyed getting to play around with Canva while doing so.

I believe my final project was truly a testament to all of the information included in it. I utilized the design values in my project by keeping it simple, clear and uncluttered. I chose only 2-3 different typographies to use in the infographic to get my message across as clearly as possible. I made sure that there was contrast with the colors, repetition with the numbers and text boxes, and even proximity and alignment in order to follow the basic principles of design. Lastly, I tried to use the information included in the color wheel graphic to make my design more visually appealing.

As I turned in this final project, I felt a small twinge of sadness. Where will Stella Mae go now? Her graphic design career has come to a close; I sure am going to miss her. But then I realized that my alter ego, the sassy and larger-than-life Stella Mae is and always will be inside of me, guiding my design decisions and subconsciously using the information and lessons learned in PR Publications to become a better PR Professional. So maybe I won’t have to miss her after all.