Student Portfolio

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This is a business card that I made using InDesign. For this project, I acted as if I worked at ESPN and this is one of my fondest designs. This is a letterhead for the same project that the business card came from. I really love how ESPN dominates the top of the letter, it…

Reflecting on PR Pubs

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GUYS! THIS IS IT. Finally, we have come to the end of our journey in PR Pubs. It hasn’t been as smooth as I originally thought that it would be but looking back, I can honestly say that this class taught me a lot. For my summary of learning, I opted to created an infographic…

Summary of Learning Action Plan

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Before this class, I had never heard of Canva. Ever. Once we were given an assignment to do with it, and I saw how straight forward it was, I instantly fell in love with it. I’m sure you can see where this is going….. For my summary of learning, using Canva, I am going to…

Action Plan

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When I saw that blogging was going to be a big part of the course, I was instantly excited. I have been running a personal blog for about two years now and have had amazing success with it. When it comes to my plans with this blog after this course ends, I think I’m going…

Summary of Learning

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It’s crazy to think that we are nearing the end of our journey in PR Pubs. I can think back to many, many nights where I was stressed out, depressed and honestly doubting whether or not I was going to make it to this point. When this class first started, I thought to myself “this…

Read All About It

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In this unit, we were to put the finishing touches on our newsletters. If you’ll remember, in the previous post, I noted how I was going to do mine over stories that involve Apple. In short, this project was a lot more difficult than I originally thought it was going to be. Everything from making…

Unit 5.1 Reflection

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This week, we began work on our Newsletters. Which meant only one thing, WE FINALLY RETURN TO INDESIGN Throughout these posts, I’ve made no qualms about how much I love InDesign and loathe Photoshop. InDesign just makes more sense to me. With that being said, I am beyond nervous to start this simply because I’ve…

I Can(Va) Do This!

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Another week down, another week my design skills were put to the test. After barely surviving the Photoshop from last week, I was kinda hesitant to open the module for this week. When I saw that we would be working with a new tool, called Canva my reaction was: In short, I had never heard…

Unit 3.3 Reflection

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Oh man, Unit 3.3 was easily the hardest unit I think we’ve had to work through thus far. I’ll admit, I do remember the bootcamp week but I feel as if that week pales in comparison to this one. I remember when we were first introduced to this, I saw the words “Direct Mailer” and…

Unit 3.2 Reflection

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This week, we were asked to continue working on our Direct Mailers. My first stakeholder helped me define my second stakeholder by allowing me to target the parents instead of the children. I feel like this was easier because I could get right to the point with the parents instead of trying to craft a…