Summary of Learning

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For my summary of learning on this course, I decided to convey my experience through an animation video. I am going to either the GoAnimate or Digital Films. I saw these examples and visited both the websites. I thought how I could easily take my idea of an ecstatic student and the obstacles I endured to … Continue reading Summary of Learning


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With the semester starting to come to an end, it is time to look back at our reflections and assignments to see how far we have come. As I started from the beginning I noticed in the very first blog post we were asked the question of what motivates us. I thought about what I … Continue reading Reflection

Final Newsletters!!

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Finally we have accomplished the final draft of a newsletter! While I am happy about not being in the computer lab for hours, I am very proud of myself for completing a full and decent newsletter. This past week I planned out my schedule so I would have enough time in the computer lab to give … Continue reading Final Newsletters!!

Reflection 4.1

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This past week we learned about Public Service Announcements and how to write them. When I took Writing for Mass Media, I developed some sort of idea on how to write for broadcast. I find these assignments to be pretty fun however I always have sort of trouble with the “SFX”. I also second guess … Continue reading Reflection 4.1

Op-Ed Reflection

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This past week we were asked to write an op-ed and a letter to the editor. The assignment could not have come at a better time. From the information I learned on op-eds, I grasped that this should be something of importance and something that is going on right now. As I sat down on Tuesday … Continue reading Op-Ed Reflection


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This past week we were asked to write a feature story. We had several different topics that we could use. I decided to do a personality feature and write about a staff member in the school of dance. I was a little hesitant at first because I knew I would have to prepare a good … Continue reading Reflection

Canva and Social Media

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When I first read through all of our assignments and realized we were going to be using a different platform, I was not excited at all. It took me weeks to figure our Photoshop and Indesign ( I still am trying to understand them). As I completed each tutorial, I started to breath again. Canva … Continue reading Canva and Social Media


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This past week we were asked to write a Position Paper. This was a little hard for me at first. I honestly did dread this at first and took me a little to get started. It felt mundane when I started to write the introduction. Then I started to write the counterargument. It started to … Continue reading Reflection


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This past week we were asked to make a second Direct Mailer for our second stakeholder. I decided for my second stakeholder to be a relative that is an alumni. My design has changed a lot. I sort of started over because this past week I got more used to Photoshop. I am happier with … Continue reading Reflection