The Final Countdown

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This is it! The LAST. BLOG. POST. I honestly can say that at one point I genuinely wanted to get in to the whole blogging thing, but now there is absolutely no way. That is not to say that I didn’t enjoy this classes blog, but the work and upkeep that go along with it…

Let’s Choose A Medium

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  I have decided to do the Direct Mailer design recruiting students for PR Publications in InDesign. Although I may also use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator in creating aspects of it. I think something that could really resonate with future students would be to see what they might be creating themselves and well as how…

Apple Newsletter

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1. What were you asked to do? 2. How did you respond to what you were asked to do? 3. How did react to what you actually did? 4. Now go one level deeper: Why do you think your reaction was what it was? Supplemental questions: How did your target public affect your overall content and…

Newest Apple Techy!!

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This week we got to pic a Fortune 500 company and create a newsletter for them. I was initially super excited about this because I personally love newsletters for whatever reason. They give you so much freedom as opposed to other publications. You can either make it very photography centered, lots of news only, or…

Final Draft: Direct Mailers

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This week we focussed on really honing in on our design projects and finalized the direct mailers that we have been working on! I was definitely excited to really take what I had been working on and putting on the finishing touches. I ended up re-doing my initial design, although despite being overly pleased with…

Direct Mailers Part 2

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This week we continued to work on direct mailers for the OU Recruitment Services. From last week’s stakeholders I was able to stem this weeks stakeholder. Last week I focused on the male student body more so and this week was all about the young women who were considering OU. I thought that this would…

Direct Mailers: Target Stakeholder #2

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As with the first target stakeholder, I went back to what  drew me into OU when I was narrowing down my choices. One thing that drew me closer or farther from schools was their student life. More specifically sorority life. I wanted a school that had a large greek presence and a variety of chapters…

Direct Mailers Part 1

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This week we were asked to begin creating direct mailers for OU Recruitment services. With that also came the task of identifying our first stakeholder for the direct mailer itself. First off I must say that I had no idea what a direct mailer was and had to google around for a while until I…

Direct Mailers: Target Stakeholder #1

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Upon deciding who should be my first target stakeholder I went back to when I was applying to colleges and what I would think about when narrowing down my choices. When discussing among friends I remembered that a lot of my guy friends that were not already going to school for a sport heavily weighed…

Find Your Zen

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You know that feeling you get when you first walk into a yoga studio? Its like you walked into a new universe, except this one is weirdly calm, quiet and smells insanely good but also with a hint of sweat. I can breathe a little easier just from stepping into the door. As I take…