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After a little over three weeks worth of work, the interview has been filmed, edited and published on YouTube. It’s still a little rough, but for my first project from Premier I’m content with it. For those who missed out on the adventure, catch up on the past two blog posts that I’ve made.  This project has been a lot of fun and pretty challenging at times. I love editing videos, and this project was no exception. It did feel a little more creatively restrained, but I think that’s due to my

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After much heartache, I finished my video on Saturday of this week. However, I came in today to export and alas, my project file was too new for the school computer. So, to get my video encoded and exported I had to download a trial version of Adobe Premiere Pro onto my laptop. Also, on Tuesday,… Continue reading Video Encoded

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Finally, I have completed the video! It has been a long time coming, but I am so glad that it is done. During the process, I experienced some obstacles, but overall I enjoyed the process… More

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My title for this week’s blog post derived from the song that plays in the background of my video project. My COMPLETED video project, I might add. After weeks of tireless effort and a few mental breakdowns (just kidding), I finally turned in my interview assignment. As someone who has used iMovie plenty of times […]

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This week in PR Pubs included the continuation of our video project. This week also solidified my assurance that the video project was my favorite project we’ve done yet. I love the quiet that surrounds it; with everyone focusing individually on their own project, you can almost feel that presence of boosted creativity and innovation […]

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We are reaching the end of the second week of the PR Pubs video project. No casualties to report yet, and the process is taking its effect. After filming last week, we finally got down to the nitty-gritty and imported everything to start editing. The two classes that we’ve had this week flew by as I was editing. My main goals for Tuesday were to clear up the audio and outline all of the footage to help me figure out what I had to work with. Those notes made it very easy on to edit on Thursday by