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Having had no prior experience with Adobe Photoshop or InDesign, I enjoyed the format of this course because we got to alternate between which medium we used for our assignments. I liked how we got the chance to submit a first draft and then receive comments and feedback on our work from peers before turning in a final draft. Reflecting back and journaling every week was somewhat beneficial because it was easy to express why certain design elements were chosen, and it was easy to articulate why the assignment was done how we did it. I liked writing for a public audience because it provided encouragement and motivation to do well and succeed because other people would be viewing your work. From taking this course, I got to grow creatively as my design skills were tested and stretched every week. Before, I did not think that I would have the ability to complete these assignments because I have never thought of myself as a creative person. But upon completing this course, I have become more confident in what I can come up with in my mind and then execute a design that can be shared. Below is my graphic from

Below is my graphic from Canva for my Summary of Learning. This represents the assignments that I have completed and what I have learned about WHY they are used as publications for public relations. I thought it was important to highlight the meaning behind these design tools for PR, since I may use them in my future career. I wanted to keep the graphics simple because that is a personal design choice that I enjoy. I’ve learned that my own design preferences fall under simple, clean and minimalistic and I think my Summary of Learning represents that well while showing what I have learned from this class.