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From reading my last reflection post to my first, the biggest learning outcome I’ve gained is my personal comfort in … More

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Before PR Pubs I created my blog and used it for other classes and on my own time occasionally, but after using it so much in this course I feel like I will continue to utilize it more. I actually really like writing and I can do that through by blog, while also adding links, … Continue reading My Love For Blogging

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Throughout this course I’ve been using Medium to post my blogs, but I now have a Squarespace website (finally!) and will be using that to showcase my work for potential employers.

Right now my website is organized into three sections: portfolio, resume and about. Under the portfolio button on my navigation bar, I plan on displaying my design work, the Sooner yearbook 2016–2017 edition and my feature stories. I probably won’t have a blogging feature. I personally don’t enjoy blogging, and although I understand the benefits, it’s something I won’t keep up with.

My about page lacks a picture of my face, and once I get over my camera shyness that should complete my website.

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For our final design project (summary of learning), I’m choosing to design a direct mailer recruiting future students to public relations publications.

As I stated in my earlier blog post, direct mailers is really where I turned a corner in this class. I want to try this concept again, but I’m happy that I’ll have more creative freedom here. I’ll continue using Photoshop, as I’ve grown quite a liking to it. I want to play with altering pictures because it’s a feature of Photoshop we didn’t get into. Propaganda posters and cartoons I think look very neat and fit the recruiting element this direct mailer is about. Hopefully I can find a good quality image to use — that will be my biggest challenge.

Overall, I’m excited to give direct mailers another shot.

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After reading all my blog posts throughout the semester, I see the growth that I’ve made through my design projects. I was ambitious at the beginning and was looking forward to being able to design more. This was true, but I also hadn’t realized what else I would have to focus on — audience.

I see most of my growth in how I approach audiences. Although my focus is in journalism and not public relations, I’ve still had to think of audience and how to shape content to fit and feed that audience. But in this class, I’ve gotten the chance to push myself in serving an audience that I normally wouldn’t have. So most of my growth has been trying to push aside my personal preferences and think about the audience I’m serving.

This challenge for me was most prevalent in the direct mailer design project. This is where I believe I turned a corner because it was an audience I wasn’t used to serving and wouldn’t have chosen on my own.

One project that I take the most pride in is the newsletter. I was really able to play around and be creative with layout. It’s a design project I’ll proudly display on my website.

I’ve strengthened old skills and developed new ones, and just on that statement I’d say this class was a success.

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This week, we were finishing off our newsletters and I am happy I continuously worked on it over the last couple of days because I would have never been able to finish it in a day. I already had a pretty solid layout but the enormous length of the articles forced me to change up some […]

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For this section I was asked to select a Fortune 500 company and create a newsletter for them using articles that already existed. First, I started with a dummy layout, and then after collecting articles and pictures I created the final piece. After considering my target audience, I finally decided to create for an external […]

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This week, we worked on finishing our newsletters. My company was Disney so with all the new movies coming out, I focused on one in particular: Coco. I found two articles dealing with the movie coming out and the concept behind the movie. I had to change my layout a bit but it wasn’t too …

Continue reading “Newsletter Check!”

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In this unit, we were asked to pick a Fortune 500 company and create a Newsletter for them. I picked General Motors, because I am interested in vehicle technology and safety. I responded well to composing this newsletter, because creating a newsletter is something I have never done. I reacted well to creating this newsletter, … Continue reading “Final Reflection of Unit 5.1”