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This week we created and submitted our final project for the class: a summary of what we learned in the class. I chose to make an infographic on Canva: “7 steps to conquering PR Publications.” I wanted to combine things I learned and wanted to share with future pubsters into an infographic that was both… Continue reading The Final Blog Post

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It’s been a long, winding road that has led me to the horizon. For my summary of learning project, I made an infographic using Canva. It is yellow (my favorite color) with red details (BOOMER). I chose canva because it was my favorite program to use this semester. Below is a link to the project…Read more Reflecting on PR Publications

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PR Pubs is DONE. I’m a little sad, to be honest, but also kinda relieved.  Okay, so I’m definitely sad that this class is over, but at the same time I’m also happy. I am sad because I had lots of fun in this class and I really enjoyed the challenge of figuring out the […]

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This is the last one. To start with, I would say that my Summary of learning project represents what I have learned in this class. Before this class I had done some work in InDesign and thought I was familiar with the program. Going into the first project I was excited because I hadn’t used […]

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This is a business card that I made using InDesign. For this project, I acted as if I worked at ESPN and this is one of my fondest designs. This is a letterhead for the same project that the business card came from. I really love how ESPN dominates the top of the letter, it…

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I can’t believe this is my last blog post for PR pubs! I liked the course format, but I wish the assignments opened on Sunday and were due the next Sunday. I don’t know if you can have school work due on a weekend, but I think that would make the class a bit better. … Continue reading Done

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This is it! The LAST. BLOG. POST. I honestly can say that at one point I genuinely wanted to get in to the whole blogging thing, but now there is absolutely no way. That is not to say that I didn’t enjoy this classes blog, but the work and upkeep that go along with it…

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For my Summary of Learning I created a direct mailer to recruit people to enroll in this class for an upcoming semester. We learned so much in this class that I wanted to figure out a way to incorporate it all in one design. I decided to type out all of the different things we […]

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I have reached the finish line in PR Publications with a portfolio of design projects to be proud of! The final project was a reflection of the journey I endured this semester. I chose to create an infographic on Canva and incorporated the Summary of Learning into a consistent “journey” theme. To accomplish this, I added […]